time of agitationの例文


  1. In a time of agitation by tenant farmers in the Land Wars of the late 19th century, epitomised by the action of tenants at nearby Lough Mask House ( home of Captain Charles Boycott ), he was considered by many to be an'improving'landlord.
  2. "My attraction " [ & ] " for some impressionist artists derives from their remarkable use of the painting technique and perhaps also from the tranquility of their subject matter, a curious tranquility at a time of agitation and revolution : the intimacy of bourgeois life, relaxing landscapes, happy people, dancers " ".


  1. "time object"の例文
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  7. "time of angels"の例文
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  10. "time of assertion"の例文
  11. "time of abort"の例文
  12. "time of advent"の例文
  13. "time of allocation"の例文
  14. "time of angels"の例文

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